Friday, November 20, 2009

Chapter One: The Sound of the Shell

In the first chapter of the Lord of the Flies, a young boy named Ralph meets another child who is eventually known as Piggy because of his weight. As the two venture into the area, they look for lost children that were involved with them in the plane crash. Both Piggy and Ralph explore what is thought to them to be an island and eventually come across a conch shell. Through persistant urging of Piggy, Ralph uses the conch shell as a horn to call all of the surviving children onto their location. As the children approach through the jungle, they all decide to have a meeting to elect their chief. Among requests of his companions, Ralph is elected as chief. As chief, Ralph then chooses two other children, Jack and Simon, to explore with him to determine if the area that they are in is actually an island. As the boys determine that the area they are in is actually an island, they decide to look for food on the way back to the congregation. As they walk back, they come across a pig tangled in the vines; however, Jack is afraid to kill the pig and it wiggles free.

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