Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Chapter Six: Beast from Air

As the boys sleep, military airplanes battle above the island. The twins Sam and Eric, who were supposed to watch the signal fire, have fallen asleep. During the battle, a dead parachutist drifts down from the sky onto the island. His chute becomes tangled in some rocks and flaps in the wind, while his shape casts fearful shadows on the ground. His head seems to rise and fall as the wind blows. As Sam and Eric wake from their sleeping, they see these shadows mistakenly as a beast and sprint towards the camp. As the twins tell Ralph of what they thought to have seen, Ralph immediately calls for a meeting. At this meeting the twins restate what they had told Ralph. The boys, horrified by the twins’ claims, organize an expedition to search the island for monsters. They set out, armed with wooden spears, while Piggy and the younger children remain behind. As the older boys set out to find the beast, Ralph allows Jack to lead them. The search group then reaches a part of the island that they have never seen before-a small walkway that leads to a hill filled with small caves. Scared, Ralph then orders the boys to stay put as he ventures further into the area. He quickly regains his confidence when he explores on his own though. Jack then joins Ralph and the group soon afterward follows. Ralph and Jack begin to feel the resentment of each other die down. Quickly after, the other boys begin to play games, pushing rocks into the sea. Lastly, Ralph angrily reminds them that they are looking for the beast. Ralph also reminds the boys to create another smoke signal while the other boys, lost in plans to build a fort and do other things on the new hill, are displeased by Ralph’s commands but obey.

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